Health and the Writer by Camy Tang
Whether you’re a writer who also works a full-time job or are a busy stay-at-home-mom, it’s hard to stay healthy. I researched and figured out a bunch of tips and tricks to help me stay in shape without carving out of my precious writing time. I also found some tips to help me have just general better health. Pick and choose which of these will work for you.
Try a light workout in the morning
When you exercise soon after getting up, even a very light workout, it can boost your metabolism for the entire rest of the day—up to approximately 15 hours. It will make you feel more energized the rest of the day.
Morning exercise will also help you not feel so hungry throughout the day, so you will be able to make healthy food choices.
I’m NOT a morning person, so I videotape a morning workout program and watch it when I get up later in the morning. I also buy workout DVDs from thrift stores.
Your morning workout doesn’t have to be long or strenuous—I only take about 20 minutes, and I often do Denise Austin’s Fit and Lite exercise program, which is low impact and very easy.
With kids, it’s often a little harder. You could try getting up earlier or waiting until later when they’re doing something you can leave them at for about 20 minutes. If you prep everything ahead of time (like the night before), you can jump right into your workout. And don’t feel guilty if you need to cut it short, either—even a little is great.

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