Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Much like a mystic, a writer has to “center.” For me, the biggest challenge is to avoid distraction. When I worked as a magazine editor, I followed the office routine of moving papers around, responding to phone calls, letters, faxes. Writing is the hardest thing I do, so now that I am a freelancer, I find it easy to pick up this busy work instead. It's so much easier than writing. Somehow I have to fence off and preserve that time of undistracted, full concentration.

--Philip Yancey, http://www.faithfulreader.com/authors/au-yancey-philip.asp

Tricia’s Thoughts:

Walking the dog, cleaning the toilet, even watching reruns of Sponge Bob can seem important when there’s writing to accomplish. So do paying bills and catching the “big” sale downtown. Yet, if even Philip Yancy has to fight for that undistracted, full concentration time, then it’s time for each one of us to get out our boxing gloves and fight as equally hard. Ignore the dust bunnies. Writers unite!


Blogger Melissa Amateis said...

There's a saying on my refrigerator: "Women with clean houses do not have finished books."

9:20 AM  
Blogger Jim Thompson said...

"Center"? My excuse--oops, reason--for my eccentricity is my writing gene. Now I find out I have to get centered?

11:34 AM  

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