Friday, June 30, 2006

The Act of Writing...

“The act of writing itself leads us on a path into the unknown. One step unfolds into another, and we are led into the mapless territory of the imagination where all things are possible. It is a real place, and it is inside us.”

--Michael Toms, The Well of Creativity, p. 71

Tricia’s Thoughts:
I can’t count the times when I’ve scanned over the day’s words and just shook my head. “Where did that come from?” I think as I glance over the scenes that share hoped, fear, or maybe surprise. Surprise even to me.

You might ask the same question when you look over the words on your pages. It’s so amazing-- don’t you agree—that we hold so much inside us. More than we’d ever imagine.

I wonder what words tomorrow holds?


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