Your advocate...
This quote was sent from my writer-friend Jenn S:
“ . . . It is not whether a publisher likes your book that matters, it's whether YOU like it! When you believe in your story, you're not looking for a whole company to publish it, you're looking for one editor, one [person] from your true family, the same tastes as yours, same loves, same excitements, and that [person] happens to work at a publishing house, determined to fight if she must to see your book in print!"
Richard Bach, Writer Ferrets: Chasing the Muse, p. 67
Tricia’s Thoughts:
The spark for your story must begin with you and ignite an editor. From there who knows what can happen. The wildfire can spread through the publishing house, the sales reps, the bookstore owners, and blaze within your readers. But it first must start with you and your advocate.
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